How to create a blog for free and earn money online?

You have seen youtube videos called “Vlog”. Vlog are the type of video in which you show your daily life and events. People like to see other’s lifestyle and how they live. The same thing if you do on your website, it is called Blogging. You just have to post articles and about your daily life on your website and put ads on it. If people like it, your website will rank above and you traffic will increase. Then if anybody clicks on your ads, you will get money for it. 

For example see this website. I have posted an article on “how to earn money online from blogging without investing” and you are reading it. There are ads around you, if you found the advertisements appealing, you will click on it and I will get money out of it. It is very simple and you can also do it easily. Below are the steps you have to follow to create a free blog:-

Step 1: Signup for and login

Step 2: Put the title for your blog

Step 3: Choose a unique domain

Step 4: Start posting articles

That’s it. Isn’t it simple? After you create a blog, you have to be patient and keep posting quality articles. You will not get instant views on your blog, you have to share it on different platforms and post articles on trending topics so that people visit on you blog. You have to post 10 to 20 article at least to monetize your blog. For monetizing your blog, click here.

Hope you understood all about blogging. You can ask me questions if you have in the comment box. Please share this post as much as you can.


By Yuvraj Shahi (admin)

Contact me at
